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Write data to cache

After setting up your cache, you can start writing data to it.

To use cachelib to write data to your cache:

  • Allocate memory for the data from the cache, which will return an item's WriteHandle to the allocated memory. Item handle provides a reference counted wrapper to access a cache item.
  • Write the data to the allocated memory and insert the item handle into the cache.

Allocate memory for data from cache​

The header file allocator/CacheAllocator.h declares the following methods to allocate memory from cache:

template <typename CacheTrait>;
class CacheAllocator : public CacheBase {
// Allocate memory of a specific size from cache.
WriteHandle allocate(
PoolId id,
Key key,
uint32_t size,
uint32_t ttlSecs = 0,
uint32_t creationTime = 0,

// Allocate memory for a chained item of a specific size from cache.
WriteHandle allocateChainedItem(const ReadHandle& parent, uint32_t size);
// ...

For example:

auto poolId = cache->addPool(
WriteHandle handle = cache->allocate(poolId, "key1", 1024);


  • cache is a unique_ptr to CacheAllocator<facebook::cachelib::LruAllocator> (see Set up a simple dram cache).
  • WriteHandle is a CacheItem<facebook::cachelib::LruAllocator>::WriteHandle (see allocator/CacheItem.h), which is facebook::cachelib::detail::WriteHandleImpl defined in allocator/Handle.h. If allocation failed, an empty handle will be returned.

To get the writable memory from the allocated memory, call the getMemory method via the WriteHandle:

if (handle) {
void* pwm = handle->getMemory();

where handle is of type WriteHandle.

If the data size is greater than the maximum slab size (4 MB), use chained items to store the data with multiple items. To allocate memory for additional chained items from cache, call this method:

WriteHandle allocateChainedItem(const ReadHandle& parent, uint32_t size);


  • ReadHandle is a CacheItem<facebook::cachelib::LruAllocator>::ReadHandle (see allocator/CacheItem.h), which is facebook::cachelib::detail::ReadHandleImpl defined in allocator/Handle.h.

For example:

size_t size = 1024 * 1024;
auto parentItemHandle = cache->allocate(poolId, "parent", size);

if (parentItemHandle) {
// Call allocateChainedItem() to allocate memory for 3 chained items.
// 4 * size is invalid, Because there are other costs, see getRequiredSize().
// But you can create more chained items.
auto chainedItemHandle1 = cache->allocateChainedItem(parentItemHandle, 1 * size);
auto chainedItemHandle2 = cache->allocateChainedItem(parentItemHandle, 2 * size);
auto chainedItemHandle3 = cache->allocateChainedItem(parentItemHandle, 3 * size);

Write data to allocated memory and insert item handle into cache​

To write data to the allocated memory in the cache, do the following:

  1. Call the memcpy() function to write data to the allocated memory got from the item handle.
  2. Insert the item handle into cache.

The memcpy function requires the destination address:

void* memcpy(void* destination, const void* source, size_t num);

To get the destination address, call the getMemory() method via the WriteHandle:

void* pwm = handle->getMemory();

where handle is of type WriteHandle.

To insert an item to the cache, call one of the following methods defined in allocator/CacheAllocator.h.:

template <typename CacheTrait>
class CacheAllocator : public CacheBase {
// will fail insertion if key is already present
bool insert(const WriteHandle& handle);

// will insert or replace existing item for the key and return the handle of the replaced old item
WriteHandle insertOrReplace(const WriteHandle& handle);

// link the chained items to the parent
void addChainedItem(const WriteHandle& parent, WriteHandle child);
// ...

For example, the following code writes new data (i.e., data associated with a new key) into the cache:

string data("Hello world");

// Allocate memory for the data.
auto handle = cache->allocate(pool_id, "key1", data.size());

if (handle) {
// Write the data to the allocated memory.
std::memcpy(handle->getMemory(),, data.size());

// Insert the item handle into the cache.
} else {
// handle allocation failure

And the following code writes new data (i.e., data associated with a new key) to the cache and replace the data associated with an existing key in the cache with replacement data:

string data("new data");
// Allocate memory for the data.
auto handle = cache->allocate(pool_id, "key2", data.size());

// Write the data to the cache.
std::memcpy(handle->getMemory(),, data.size());

// Insert the item handle into the cache.

data = "Repalce the data associated with key key1";
// Allocate memory for the replacement data.
handle = cache->allocate(pool_id, "key1", data.size());

// Write the replacement data to the cache.
std::memcpy(handle->getMemory(),, data.size());

// Insert the item handle into the cache.

To write data to chainded items, do the following:

  1. For each chained item, write data to its memory allocated by the allocateChainedItem() method.
  2. Call the addChainedItem() method to add the chained items to the parent item.

For example:

std::vector<std::string> chainedItems = { "item 1", "item 2", "item 3" };

for (auto itr = chainedItems.begin(); itr != chainedItems.end(); ++itr) {
// Allocate memory for the chained item.
auto chainedItemHandle = cache->allocateChainedItem(parentItemHandle, size);

if (!chainedItemHandle) {
// failed to allocate for the chained item.
throw "error";

// Write data to the chained item.
std::memcpy(chainedItemHandle->getMemory(), itr->data(), itr->size());

// Add the chained item to the parent item.
cache->addChainedItem(parentItemHandle, std::move(chainedItemHandle));

A common thing is to try out the biggest allocate-able size for a regular item and chained item. User can find those out by calling the following methods.

// Regular item
auto largestSize = (Largest Alloc Granularity: 4MB by default, or user-specified) - (Item::getRequiredSize(key, 0))

// Chained item
auto largestSize = (Largest Alloc Granularity) - (ChainedItem::getRequiredSize(0))