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Remove data from cache

To remove data from cache, call these methods declared in allocator/CacheAllocator.h:

template <typename CacheTrait>
class CacheAllocator : public CacheBase {
// Remove the item with the specified key.
RemoveRes remove(Key key);

// Remove the item pointed to by the specified handle.
RemoveRes remove(const ReadHandle& handle);

// Remove the first chained item pointed to by the parent handle.
WriteHandle popChainedItem(WriteHandle& parent)

where RemoveRes is an enum class defined in allocator/CacheAllocator.h:

enum class RemoveRes : uint8_t {

For example, the following code removes an item with key "key1":

auto rr = cache->remove("key1");
if (rr == RemoveRes::kSuccess) {
std::cout << "Removed the item with key \"key1\"" << '\n';

You can also remove the item as follows:

auto handle = cache->find("key1");
if (handle) {
auto rr = cache->remove(handle);
if (rr == RemoveRes::kSuccess) {
std::cout << "Removed the item with key \"key1\"" << '\n';

If you write the following three items to cache:

std::map<std::string, std::string> dict = {
{ "key1", "item 1" },
{ "key2", "item 2" },
{ "key3", "item 3" },
for (auto& itr : dict) {
auto handle = cache->allocate(poolId, itr.first, itr.second.size());
std::memcpy(handle->getMemory(),, itr.second.size());

you can iterate and remove the three items:

For example:

for (auto itr = cache->begin(); itr != cache->end(); ++itr) {
auto rr = cache->remove(itr.asHandle());
if (rr == RemoveRes::kSuccess) {
cout << "Removed the item" << '\n';

Note that it.asHandle() returns the item handle for the iterator

Consider the following chained items:

To remove the first chained item (item 1), call the popChainedItem() method:

auto handle = cache->popChainedItem(parentItemHandle);
if (handle) {
cout << "Removed the first chained item" << '\n';

If you remove the parent item, all its chained items are also removed:

rr = cache->remove(parentItemHandle);
if (rr == RemoveRes::kSuccess) {