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Set up a simple dram cache

Before calling cachelib to cache your data, set up a simple dram cache first.

To set up a simple dram cache, you need to provide the following to cachelib:

  • Eviction policy
    • How data is evicted from the cache?
  • Cache configuration
    • What's the cache size?
    • What's the name of the cache?
    • What's the access configuration for the cache? The access configuration is used to tune the hash table for looking up data in cache.

The allocator/CacheAllocator.cpp file instantiates the following class templates for different eviction policies:

template class CacheAllocator<LruCacheTrait>;
template class CacheAllocator<LruCacheWithSpinBucketsTrait>;
template class CacheAllocator<Lru2QCacheTrait>;
template class CacheAllocator<TinyLFUCacheTrait>;

where LruCacheTrait, LruCacheWithSpinBucketsTrait, Lru2QCacheTrait, and TinyLFUCacheTrait are declared in allocator/CacheTraits.h. You can configure the eviction parameters. For more information, see Eviction Policy.

LRU is the most commonly used trait. To use LRU as the eviction policy for your cache, use the following instantiated class:

#include "cachelib/allocator/CacheAllocator.h"

using Cache = facebook::cachelib::LruAllocator;

Before setting up a simple cache, use an object of a CacheAllocatorConfig class to set the cache's configuration:

Cache::Config config;
.setCacheSize(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 1 GB
.setCacheName("My cache") // unique identifier for the cache
.setAccessConfig({25, 10})


If you're using multiple cache instances, please consider if you can simplify to using a single instance via multiple cache pools. CacheLib is highly optimized for concurrency; using multiple cachelib instances is typically an anti-pattern unless you have a good reason.

The code to set up a simple cache follows:

#include "cachelib/allocator/CacheAllocator.h"

using Cache = facebook::cachelib::LruAllocator;
std::unique_ptr<Cache> cache;
facebook::cachelib::PoolId default_pool;

void initializeCache() {
Cache::Config config;
.setCacheSize(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 1 GB
.setCacheName("My cache")
.setAccessConfig({25, 10})
cache = std::make_unique<Cache>(config);
default_pool =
cache->addPool("default", cache->getCacheMemoryStats().ramCacheSize);

Before using a cache, you need to partition its memory into pools. You can add many pools to the cache. In this example, only a default pool is added to the cache. Because of a fixed overhead needed to manage the cache, the default pool's size is less than 1 GB.

For a complete program to set up a simple cache, see examples/simple_cache/main.cpp.

Test the simple cache setup program​

To test the simple cache setup program examples/simple_cache/main.cpp:

  1. Build cachelib with all the dependecies:

    git clone
    cd CacheLib
    ./contrib/ -d -j -v -T
  2. Build the simple cache setup program:

    cd examples/simple_cache
  3. Run the program:


    When you run simple-cache-example, it doesn't produce any output.

Exercise: Add code to examples/simple_cache/main.cpp to do the following:

  • Print the value of the item with key key.
  • Compare the default pool size with the cache size (1 GB).
// ...
#include <iostream> // add this
// ...

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// ...
// ...
assert(sp == "value");

// Add this statement to print the value of the item with key "key".
std::cout << "value = " << sp << '\n';

// Add the following code to compare the default pool size with the cache size.
auto cache_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 GB
auto default_pool_size = gCache_->getCacheMemoryStats().ramCacheSize;
std::cout << "cache size = " << cache_size << '\n';
std::cout << "default pool size = " << default_pool_size << '\n';


Use cache​

After setting up a simple cache, you can do the following:

Release and delete cache​

When you're done with the cache, to release and delete it, call the reset() method:
