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Cross Host Cache Persistence

Cachelib supports persisting the cache into a remote storage and restoring in a different machine (so called cross host persistence). This is an enhancement to Cache Persistence feature, which persist the cache in the same machine across restarts. This is useful when binary is started on a different machine without losing cache data in the shared infra, but this is not a persistent storage that serves like databases.


  1. Create a persistence cache with Cache Persistence user guide.
  2. Shutdown cache successfully.
  3. Only POSIX is supported.
  4. Only default PageSize is supported.

Implement Stream Reader and Writer APIs​

To persist the cache, shutdown cache first, instantiate PersistenceManager with the cache config, call saveCache function and pass in a writer. To restore a cache, instantiate PersistenceManager with the same cache config, call restoreCache function and pass in a read, then create cache with SharedMemAttach.

The reader and writer interfaces are defined in PersistenceManager, users need to implement the APIs with their own choice of backend storage, e.g. Manifold, S3, and NAS.

The interfaces are defined as

namespace facebook::cachelib::persistence {
* Stream reader and writer APIs for PersistenceManager use.
* read/write functions are called in a single thread.
* Users should implement read/write functions with their
* own storage backend, e.g. file, manifold, AWS.
* Users should throw exception if any error happens during read/write,
* exceptions are not handled by PersistenceManager so users should catch
* and handle them properly.
class PersistenceStreamReader {
virtual ~PersistenceStreamReader() {}
// data in IOBuf must remain valid until next read call,
// it is recommanded to make IObuf maintain the lifetime of data.
// the IObuf can't be chained.
virtual folly::IOBuf read(size_t length) = 0;
virtual char read() = 0;
class PersistenceStreamWriter {
virtual ~PersistenceStreamWriter() {}
// PersistenceManager guarantees the data in IOBuf
// remain valid until flush() is called.
// The implementation can save the IOBuf (e.g. add to IOBufQueue) here,
// but the data must be either copied out or sent to remote storage
// when flush() is called, data in IOBuf might be invalid after that.
virtual void write(folly::IOBuf buffer) = 0;
virtual void write(char c) = 0;
virtual void flush() = 0;

Functions will be called in a single thread, and exceptions are expected to be thrown in case of any error happens inside the functions. PersistenceManager will serialize the data and stream to PersistenceStreamWriter during persistence, it is recommended to buffer the data and flush to remote storage in larger chunks, for example PersistenceManagerWriter could read a 1MB payload from each write call, but internally buffers to a 16MB chunk before flushing to manifold. On restoring, PersistenceManager will rely on the data provided by PersistenceStreamReader, it will only fetch certain size of data each time so prefetch a large chunk of data is preferred for better performance, e.g. the PersistenceStreamReader can download 16MB data chunk from Manifold and return a small portion for each read call.

Persist the Cache​

To persist the cache to a remote storage, construct PersistenceManger with CacheLibConfig, and call saveCache function with user's writer implementation. Cache config (currently cache name only) is persisted for validation purpose, cache metadata, cache data in RAM and Navy are persisted to restore the cache instance on the different machine.

#include "cachelib/persistence/PersistenceManager.h"
using namespace facebook::cachelib;

// Cache::Config config;
// Create cache with ShareMemNew or SharedMemAttach
// cache.shutdown();
YourWriterImplementation writer;
persistence::PersistenceManager manager(config);

Error Handling​

  1. Errors and exceptions raised by Writer's function are not handled by PersistenceManger, so users should catch and handle properly.
  2. std::invalid_argument will be thrown if there is any error with the cache config or cache instance during saveCache.
  3. Persistence can be retried upon any error, cache instance is not changed during saveCache.

Restore the Cache​

To restore the cache from a remote storage, construct PersistenceManger with CacheLibConfig, and call restoreCache function with user's reader implementation. Cache config should be compatible with the one provided for persistence, and the reader should return exact same data as what is written to writer during persistence.

#include "cachelib/persistence/PersistenceManager.h"
using namespace facebook::cachelib;

// Cache::Config config;
YourReaderImplementation reader;
persistence::PersistenceManager manager(config);
// Create cache with SharedMemAttach

Error Handling​

  1. Errors and exceptions raised by Writer's function are not handled by PersistenceManger, so users should catch and handle properly.
  2. std::invalid_argument will be thrown if there is any error during restoreCache , includes version mismatch, invalid data returned from reader, wrong config provide (different cache name), etc.
  3. Persistence version is required to be matched, while cache version mismatch is only warning at the restore stage, compatibility check and migration is handled in cache attachment.
  4. By calling restoreCache any existing cachelib data/metadata will be erased, and will not be recovered on any failure.
  5. Attachment after restore might fail if the supplied cachelib config is incompatible with the config of the restored cache content, or cache version is incompatible.

Incompatible Config Changes across Restarts (both same host or x-host)​

  1. cacheSize
  2. cacheName
  3. usePosixForShm
  4. isCompactCache
  5. isNvmCacheEncryption
  6. isNvmCacheTruncateAllocSize
  7. accessConfig.numBuckets
  8. accessConfig.pageSize
  9. chainedItemAccessConfig.numBuckets
  10. nvmConfig.navyConfig.getFileName
  11. nvmConfig.navyConfig.getRaidPaths
  12. nvmConfig.navyConfig.getFileSize

Simple Example​

Stream APIs​

#include <fstream>
#include "folly/io/IOBufQueue.h"
#include "folly/io/IOBuf.h"
#include "cachelib/allocator/CacheAllocator.h"
#include "cachelib/persistence/PersistenceManager.h"
using namespace facebook::cachelib::persistence;

class FileReader : public PersistenceStreamReader {
FileReader(const std::string& filename) : if_(filename, std::ifstream::in) {

~FileReader() {

folly::IOBuf read(size_t length) override {
auto buf = folly::IOBuf::create(length);<char*>(buf->writableData()), length);

if (!if_.good()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("can't read more data from file");

return std::move(*buf);

char read() override {
char c;
if (!if_.get(c)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("can't read more data from file");
return c;
std::ifstream if_;

class FileWriter : public PersistenceStreamWriter {
FileWriter(const std::string& filename) : of_(filename, std::ofstream::out) {

~FileWriter() {

void write(folly::IOBuf buffer) override {

void write(char c) override {
queue_.append(&c, sizeof(bool));

void flush() override {
auto buf = queue_.move();
for (auto& br : *buf) {
of_.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, br.size());
std::ofstream of_;
folly::IOBufQueue queue_;

Persist Cache​

#include "cachelib/persistence/PersistenceManager.h"
using namespace facebook::cachelib;

using Cache = cachelib::LruAllocator;
using CacheConfig = typename Cache::Config;
using CacheKey = typename Cache::Key;

// cache config
CacheConfig config;
.setCacheSize(1024 * 1024)

// init cache
std::unique_ptr<Cache> cache;
try {
cache = std::make_unique<Cache>(Cache::SharedMemAttach, config);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
cache = std::make_unique<Cache>(Cache::SharedMemNew, config);

// ... use cache ...

// shutdown cache

// persist cache
persistence::PersistenceManager manager(config);
try {
FileWriter writer("/nas/file/path");
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Couldn't persist cache: " << e.what() << std::endl;

Restore Cache​

#include "cachelib/persistence/PersistenceManager.h"
using namespace facebook::cachelib;

using Cache = cachelib::LruAllocator;
using CacheConfig = typename Cache::Config;
using CacheKey = typename Cache::Key;

// cache config
CacheConfig config;
.setCacheSize(1024 * 1024)

// restore cache
persistence::PersistenceManager manager(config);
try {
FileReader reader("/nas/file/path");
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Couldn't restore cache: " << e.what() << std::endl;

// try to attach cache
std::unique_ptr<Cache> cache;
try {
cache = std::make_unique<Cache>(Cache::SharedMemAttach, config);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
cache = std::make_unique<Cache>(Cache::SharedMemNew, config);

// ... use cache ...

// shutdown cache